tisdag 12 oktober 2010

Dengue fever and Malaria in Europe!

The first report of mosquito transmitted Dengue fever has been reported in the mainland of France. One of the strings of this disease causes internal bleeding and can lead to death. http://vaccinenewsdaily.com/news/215544-france-reports-first-mainland-case-of-dengue-fever

I heard a scientist on the radio saying that in the future, the southern parts of Sweden will probably experience mosquitos carrying malaria, thanks to global warming. The mosquitos survive on higher and higher latitudes and altitudes, and cities like Nairobi is now threatened by malaria. She also concluded that the only risk wasn't the global warming, thanks to the increase in worldwide long-haul tourism, diseases are spread around the world in a rate never experienced before.
I also read a very interesting article in DN Debatt that was related to this topic, especially global warming. Mikael Karlsson, ordförande Naturskyddsföreningen, concludes that the threats to biodiversity is not only an environmental issue, but very much also an economical one. In short he says that the Swedish welfare (and any welfare for that matter) is extremely dependent on having a wide variety of species:
Förutom mat, energi, fibrer och andra varor som har ett marknadspris, bjuder ekosystemen mänskligheten på en lång rad värdefulla tjänster. Mediciner, rening av vatten och luft, cirkulering av näring, nedbrytning av avfall, skydd mot UV-strålning, stabilt klimat, rika jordar och möjligheter till rekreation och upplevelser är några bland många ekosystemtjänster som naturen ger... Utan åtgärder riskerar förlusterna av enbart landbaserad biologisk mångfald motsvara sju procent av global BNP vid år 2050. http://www.dn.se/debatt/sverige-maste-hjalpa-eu-stoppa-kriget-mot-naturen-1.1186171

That could be thing that makes governments and companies bring about the changes that are needed. When the wallet hurts, that's when they tend to take action!

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