torsdag 31 mars 2011

Economic globalization in a Volvo V70

This article is really more about the lack of auto parts as a result of the devastating earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster than about economic globalization but I think it also a very good example of how the production of cars is outsourced and highly globalized, 20 000 - 30 000 individual parts to build a Volvo V70 made in 41 different countries.

torsdag 10 mars 2011

Positive consequences of an ageing population

It is now and then difficult to find that many pros of having an ageing population. That's why listening to this  got my attention. A study is showing that is seems to become more and more common that grandparents help their children in domestic chores, everything from fetching the kids from kindergarten or school, to help out with the garden and the house. The older generation is healthier than ever before and can obviously participate and help in a way that they never could before.

torsdag 3 mars 2011

Consequences forced migration Libya... There was a good piece on the P1-news this morning about the consequences of the on-going forced migration that is occuring in Libya. The Libyan economy and oil business is very much dependent on guestworkers which are now fleeing the country. This will have a severe effect on the Libyan economy and ultimately the world economy, since it will drive up the fuel prices. The forced migration has effects on everything from food production to health care.

torsdag 17 februari 2011

Paper copy vs internet version

One might think that reading the internet version of a newspaper would be more environmentally friendly than buying the paper copy - but there you're wrong. What you loose you on the swings you gain on the merry-go-round (min egen översättning av ett svenskt talessätt). The amount of CO2 released is equal for both! The paper version releases CO2 during production and transport and the e-version during the use of the computer.

Global climate change: The sceptics vs. The consensus

The information is beautiful has a visualization that in 1 page summarizes the sceptics views vs. the scientists views on the matter of climate change. Have a look at this and get a better understanding on what differs and why!

Information is beautiful...

...has got to be the best website out there. The way that they visualize information is really an eye-opener. The founders point out the importance of getting things into their right perspective, especially when newsmedia juggles billions spent here and billions spent there. It's impossible to grasp if you don't it put into perspective. Check this diagram out "The Billion dollar Gram". instance, check out the comparison between the cost of the Iraq/Afghanistan and the amount spent on international aid.

tisdag 15 februari 2011

Land grab - good or bad?

One should be very careful before jumping into conclusion. The other night a watched a documentary on land grabbing from Dokument Utifrån, and yet again changed my view on the matter. When discussing the term land grab it goes without saying that it is biased against the action of foreign governments and companies the lease or buy land in Africa. But the consequences seems to be very difficult to assess at this stage. However there's a lot of hush-hush going on and that usually makes the alarm bells go off!
Supporters of the land grab say that it is bringing prosperity and much needed technological and infrastructural development, while the opponents say that it is neo-colonialism and depriving people of land. Judge for yourself

torsdag 10 februari 2011

"Two cheers for sweatshops"

This article by Sheryl WuDunn in a very good way describes the advantages of sweatshops in Asia. She concludes that boycotting goods produced in sweatshops is "stjälping" instead of "helping" impoverished people across the Asian continent.

For IB students this article is good in many ways. It addresses trade as a measure of alleviating poverty and bridging the gap between the rich in the poor. She is not ignorant to the fact that horrendous working conditions exists in sweatshop, but in order to have economic growth there seems to be a necessity to endure some hardship first. She refers to a Chinese proverb in her text: ''First comes the bitterness, then there is sweetness and wealth and honor for 10,000 years.''

onsdag 9 februari 2011

All about the threats to biodiversity...

...can be found here!
Biodiversity means the variety of life on Earth (i.e. its biological diversity) and it is threatened due to human (in-)action. The loss of biodiversity is extremely costly in many ways, economical and other values, and is of course at greater danger due to global warming. Quite depressing, but important reading!

tisdag 8 februari 2011

Wealth disparities in Stockholm

When studying the Geography of disparities in income and poverty it is all too simple to focus on Ethiopia or South Africa. In real life we do not have to go as far - there is an ever increasing wealth gap in Sweden in general and Stockholm in particular. This is happening at a pace that is even worrying "Moderaterna" ruling Stockholm, an integrated city is benefiting everyone. Many scientists believe that integration brings multiplier effects in education and income. Stockholm is becoming a polarized city to an extent never previously experienced. A very interesting article on the subject can be found on

fredag 4 februari 2011

Least likeable cities in the US

This link (originally from Forbes) describes the crappiest cities in the US and why they stink. Topping the list is the quite unknown Californian city Stockton (picture). However there are some cities on that list that I wouldn't mind visiting. Have a look for yourself!

Have a good weekend!

torsdag 3 februari 2011

Puts in perspective...

Check this website out (BBC), it puts major hazards and other disastrous events in a Geographical perspective sizewise.

onsdag 26 januari 2011

...makes you think!

What a prejudice world we're living in! Some unexpected numbers here.

Masdar City (UAE) - a success story in sustainable living?

Have a look at this large scale plan of the Masdar City in Abu Dhabi (the link below). It's a visionary plan of sustainable living in the middle of the Arabian Desert, much of it fuelled by solar power. (Could never happen in Växjö!). Even in UAE peak oil is a fact and the energy mix needs to changed.

torsdag 20 januari 2011

Soil erosion creating hunger

"Within 40 years, there will be around 2 billion more people – another China plus India – on Earth. Food production will have to increase at least 40%, and most of that will have to be grown on the fertile soils that cover just 11% of the global land surface." 

An interesting article from the Guardian addressing the issues of soil erosion (China and elsewhere), and the delicate matter of the vulnerable topsoil and how easily it's destroyed. It also, briefly discusses more appropriate farming techniques that doesn't create the same problems of land degradation as traditional ploughing does.